
The scoliosis simulator is your best tool to show the effectiveness of your instrumentation.

It is composed of a Scoliotic T1/sacrum spine whose characteristics allow instrumentation and correction in the 3 planes of the bypass.
The SDEP model is flat in its demo box.

The S3DEP model commonly known as DEFORMITY is a variant of the SDEP. This version is suspended on a support that allows the bone segment to move in the 3 planes during correction, thus visualizing the parameters of lordosis and kyphosis.

Once your demonstration is complete and the instrumentation removed the scoliosis will return to its original form while waiting for reuse.

The degree of curvature is created  on request.


Suspended spine with deformation, enclosed in an elastomeric gutter.
Price €1,380.00
Quantity Ref : S3DEP